Fun and Fellowship

An important part of being a member of any Lions Club is summed up by the expression “Fun and Fellowship”. It goes beyond having fun working together on a project or event to veing able to enjoy as desired an active social life, This ranges from formal events such as a Charter Anniversary Dinner and

The M.A.D. Blog

It’s back!  Introducing the “Making A Difference” Blog which started on our previous website during the pandemic but disappeared when we had to abandon our provider as they messed up transferring the site to our current provider.  So we had to start the website again and now as we start a new fiscal year for


Clacton on Sea Lions Club is always open to applications for membership from adults who live in the Tendring District  We are looking for those who wish to give something back to our community and the world at large. Membership involves raising funds for good causes and providing physical help to those in need.  However,